Supporting Local Hispanic Small Businesses

At Optimum Business, we value the significant contributions of Hispanic small businesses in our communities and proudly celebrate Hispanic culture with all its richness and diversity. Knowing Hispanic small businesses were hard hit by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we set out to provide them with tools and resources to help them get back on their feet and keep their businesses growing.
We did this by hosting a workshop that offered social media advice to small businesses, as they shifted to digital in the wake of Covid-19. The Small Talks for Small Businesses virtual event was centered around how Hispanic-owned businesses can leverage social media to help define their business’ brand, achieve business goals, grow community engagement, and increase sales. We also featured Hispanic-owned businesses on our social media channels.
Hispanic business owners are key contributors to the economy, with 75% of small businesses in the US being created by Hispanics. Businesses with majority Hispanic ownership are estimated to employ 2.7 million Americans which shows how important these businesses are to our communities. Hispanic business owners’ drive to succeed perfectly captures the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month and we think they deserve to be recognized. Below are some of the Hispanic businesses charging forward even in these challenging times:
BK Fitness Club LLC - http://www.bkfitnessclub.com/
Talk of NY Barbershop Inc - https://www.facebook.com/Vintage-Talk-of-New-York-Barbers
Dos Mexicuban Cantina - http://www.dosmexicubancantina.com/
El Centro Hispano Mission - https://www.elcentrohispano.org/
Manantial Cleaning Services - https://manantialcleaningservices.com/
FirstLive Inc. - https://firstlive.us/
Texas Avenue Dental - https://www.texasavedental.com/
The Law Offices of Franklin S. Montero, LLC - https://www.fmonterolaw.com/
La Finca - https://www.lafincarestaurantandbar.com/
Next Stop Vegan - https://nextstopvegan.com/
South of France - https://www.facebook.com/The-South-of-France
Las Trancas - https://www.facebook.com/trancasparkersburg/
Latin Premier Insurance Marketing Group - https://www.latinpremiernynj.com
Confetti Party Place - https://confettipaints.com/
Glamour by Marisol - https://glamour-by-marisol.business.site/
Two Crepes - www.twocrepes.com
FlagCollars - www.flagcollars.com
Beauty and The Beast Driving School/Porrata Tax Services - www.porratax.com
To see more of these resilient Hispanic-owned small businesses visit our Twitter or LinkedIn pages and be sure to visit their websites and show your support!
Also, keep an eye open for our Small Talks for Small Businesses Recap blog which will include the full length “Social Media Strategies for Hispanic Small Business” virtual event.
Stanford. State of Latino Entrepreneurship. 2019, www.gsb.stanford.edu/sites/gsb/files/publication-pdf/report-slei-state-latino-entrepreneurship-2019.pdf.